Circulation Standing Wraps from Incrediwear Equine has a good fit and is designed to speed up recovery time and improve performance and circulation in the horse's legs. 45 x 60 cm, grey.
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Circulation Standing Wraps from Incrediwear Equine has a good fit and is designed to speed up recovery time and improve performance and circulation in the horse's legs. 45 x 60 cm, grey.
The Circulation Wraps are not based on compression but are based on a technique with negative ions. This also means that the pads can be used 24/7 if needed.
The Circulation Wraps can be used as stable pads, during transport or when the horse is recovering from an injury.
There are many different benefits to the Circulation Standing Wraps, among other things, they reduce swelling, inflammation, tenderness. At the same time, they increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and speed up recovery time.
Sold in 2pack
Size: 45x60 cm
Color: Grey